Home Damaged In A Flood? Why Your Restoration Project Should Include New Flooring

If your home has suffered significant flooding, you'll want to get the water damage cleaned up as quickly as possible. The best way to take care of flood damage is to hire a professional water damage restoration company. Not only will they handle all the clean-up, but they'll also provide their own equipment, which means you won't need to rent anything for the project. If you've decided to save money on the project by cleaning your existing flooring, you should reconsider that decision, especially if your flooring was under water for more than a few hours. Here are just some of the potential problems you face if you don't replace your water-damaged flooring. 

Mold Growth

If you've suffered flood damage in your home, there's always a risk for mold growth. This is especially true if all the moisture isn't removed. One area where moisture can hide is under your flooring. If you have carpeted floors, water can seep right through the flooring and get soaked into the fibers. It can also soak through to the concrete foundation. Once you have moisture in the carpet fibers, and in the concrete, it's just a matter of time before mold starts to grow. The best way to eliminate mold spores is to replace your carpeting after a flood. 

Foul Odors

If you've decided to keep your existing flooring after the flood, be prepared for foul odors, especially if the flood waters contain sewage or river run-off. These types of flood conditions can leave your flooring with lasting odors. If your home flooded as the result of ruptured water pipes, you may think you're in the clear as far as odors go. That's due to the fact that those ruptured pipes often flood your home with clean water. But, even clean water can leave your flooring with a foul, musty odor. You can avoid the foul odors altogether by replacing your flooring during the damage restoration project. 

Improper Fit

If your home has endured a major flood, your flooring will have soaked up a lot of water. As a result, it might not fit properly once it's dried out. That's because flooring tends to stretch while it's wet, and then constrict once it's dried out. The process of stretching and constricting can lead to problems with fit. Unfortunately, it's not always possible to restore the original fit, which means your flooring won't look as good as it should. To avoid problems related to fit, have your damage restoration company replace the flooring in your home.

If you have further questions, reach out to a local water damage restoration service.
