Common Laminate Countertop Damage

Knowing the types of repairs that your home's laminate countertops need could help you with keeping them in excellent condition. This is especially true for the countertops in your home that will experience the most intensive use.

Abrasive Damage

Laminate can suffer damage from having abrasive materials rubbing against them. Often, this can result in the laminate suffering scratches and scuff marks. These marks can ruin the appearance of the laminate while also weakening it. If the scuffs or scratches to your laminate are isolated to relatively small portions of the countertop, you may be able to avoid having the entire laminate surfacing replaced. This can be possible through the option of replacing the damaged sections of the laminate countertop or potentially using a resin to fill shallow scuffing.

Loose Sections Of Laminate

Over time, the binding that holds the laminate countertop in place will start to degrade. If this degrades enough, it may cause the laminate to start to loosen. When the loosening section of the laminate countertops is located near the edge, it may be fairly simple to repair it by adding more adhesive to it. If the loosening portion of the laminate countertop is located more near the center, repairing it can be a trickier task, but it may still be possible to avoid the need for a complete laminate countertop refinishing. Minimizing the amount of moisture that stands on the laminate countertop can reduce this risk as it will prevent the water from seeping through the countertop and degrading the adhesive. This is a major risk when there are small punctures or other openings that have developed in the laminate as it can allow a direct path for the water to reach the adhesive.

Permanent Stains

Severe staining can be a serious problem for countertops that are located in your kitchen, work area, or other portions of your home where you may regularly handle pigment-rich materials. While the laminate that is used in these countertop systems will be relatively resistant to developing stains, it can still be possible for permanent staining to occur. Depending on the type of staining that has occurred, the only repair option may be replacing that portion of the countertops. Making sure to quickly clean up any substances that get on the countertops can limit the risk of stains developing. Furthermore, there are protective coatings that you can apply to your countertops to help make them more resistant to staining. Applying these seal coatings to the countertops can help to supplement the laminate's natural resistance to staining and discoloration.

Contact a local countertop repair service to learn more.
